State Fair 4-H Signage
The Nebraska State Fair is the premier opportunity for 4-H members to showcase what they have learned and worked on throughout the year. At the State Fair, Nebraska 4-H celebrates the successes of thousands of youth who have learned and grown through 4-H. The event is the pinnacle event for many 4-H members. Following rebranding campaigns by National 4-H, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and therefore Nebraska 4-H, new environment signage was needed for the 4-H/FFA exhibit hall at the Nebraska State Fairgrounds.
Visual Designer
Project Manager
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Co-branded signage for main entrance into 4-H Exhibit Hall at the Nebraska State Fair. Measuring 95 inches by 36 inches and hung from a truss display.
4-H Grows Here branded signage banners used in place of typical pipe and drape. Pipe and drape banners are used as the facade for the stage.
Two of the four large display banners featuring Header, Heart, Hands and Health that hang from the ceiling of the 4-H Exhibit Hall.
Five of the 20 department banners created to help fairgoers find exhibits. Way-finding banners are 31 inches by 94 inches and are hung from movable flag poles which protrude above the exhibit displays.
Samples of signs created to be displayed near signup areas for state 4-H contests. Contest signs measure 24 inches by 18 inches and displayed on easels for quick setup.
4-H signage in use at the Nebraska State Fair.